Sunday, December 04, 2011

Peak Shift

It seems to be a moment of clarity for me,
a momentary lapse of reason.

despite the actuality, I feel sane, sober and serene at the moment. I have a little time to sit and collect my thoughts.
I've been going to Dr. Sketchy's Anti-art school.  There is one tonight that I plan on going to, but having a little bit of a budget crunch and not sure how to juggle everything going on right now. I have a problem with my car - and I have it down with a mechanic for tomorrow, but I need to get it there to drop it off. I would also like to go to this Dr. Sketchy thing, and it typically lasts pretty late. It's hard to get someone to follow me or pick me up at the mechanic to take me where I need to go that late at night.

There is some interesting things going on in my mind regarding art. not the theory of subject matter, composition - what I've realized ties (for me) both categories of visual 2 dimensional art together - both the representational and the nonrepresentational abstract which I have great admiration for, and I've understood on a primal sense, but to know - to do it - to be able to create THAT which has the existential it. The thing that the greats throughout history achieved, but only can learn through the action - usually through years of experiences. As someone who strives for mastery in this field (painting/visual art) and actually have some strange leap of mastery theory wisdom suddenly - I really feel as if that is what has happened in the last few weeks.  That which Kandinski, Miro, Picasso, Calder, and Pollack achieve with their abstractions. Now known to me, now understood and there for me to use like some devine delicate instrument.

Some of the technical knowledge that they do teach in art school, color theory, mixing, representation, gestalt rules and visual memes and mimickry - All play a huge part in this, as does balance (and the geometry of natural forms) - sacred geometry.  What I have discovered can be termed peak shift. Peak Shift is a neurological term used to describe when one thing is more desirable than the other. Whatever makes you choose Coca-Cola or Pepsi when you get to the sodapop isle is peak shift, you lab rat, you.
which sugar water do you prefer and why? You realize that it probably has more to do with the color red or blue or michael jackson or subconscious womanly curves than anything else don't you? A memory imprint, or perhaps instinctual is what does it for you.

I have enrolled in my last semester, but I am sitting here a month out, and I have no financial aid, no way to get the tuition paid for, no way to get the gas paid for not to mention art supplies and printing costs. I have not a stable life, but I do have a place to go and crash at night and that is all I really need.

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