Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Troost Art Hop

With the peak shift, and some hooks, a formulae can be formulated and the alkhemy of abundance finds us through crystals, color, sound, rhythm, and healthy growth and community.

Use your fancy phone to access a map of the festivities

Dog=Toto totum, whole, total.  Dot - point, singularity, Latin (Dotum) Dos, Two, twa.  Gale=wind=aetherial - Two and the whole -
minute, insignificant, little girl and a little dog = against the world.

to get back home click your Silver Slippers 3 times.
Dotum means Two
Totum means Total (one)

Intelligence = Wisdom
Heart (Humanity)
courage (strength, determination, selfesteem)

There isn't any real reason to have sparked this blog today, I feel more like a conman than anything else. Chaos Magicians often feel that way, teetering on the fence between the "I'm Samantha pretending to not be a witch" and the "I'm crazy to believe anyone has magical powers" I know I'm being too hard on myself. Those things that I concentrate on, that which I send positive energy, become real in reality. My magick has an Ounce of real to it.  Mostly protection spells, but I try to move things around in the future so that they are there when we get there.
  We are working on the 3rd Troost Art Hop for this Friday the 9th of December and I'm seeing this thing really coming together, even in the cold. I'm happy. It's something I secretly envisioned  and now I see it manifest in reality before my eyes.

I'm am seeing some very good developments in this world, I am seeing a huge spark of Earthship building going on - we are saying "damn the torpedos full speed ahead" - I have been offered a cheap opportunity to make one out by California, MO; We will be working on an experimental spot in Emerald City also that will be a self sustainable outdoors organic gardening beautiful opensource educational functional 365greenhouse laboratory.

The plan is so simple in its mechanism that the complications are only for educational purposes.
Well (water) Water filter - water pump to high tanks.
Energy - electricity and some wood fire, possibly biogas fired steam pump heating
Fish growing,
Fertilizer, and compost technology and knowledge information
Tools - shovels, rakes, hoes, handspades, wheelbarrows. saws, wood, casting concrete, glass, tires, soil raw materials reused post-consumer contents.

Today was the first snow in KC, it was just a dusting.

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